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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Multiple Choice Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Different Choice Exam - Essay Example 1998; Haines 2004; McDonald 2007). All through this exposition, we will depict the points of interest and hindrances of explicit test types and questions, and in the long run, we will show up at various decision assessments and consider why these tests are ideal for an appraisal of information and capacity. The sorts of tests which can be utilized to survey understudies are impressive: article, short answer, down to earth, seen question, bring home versus in-class, open-book, or oral assessment are only a couple (McDonald 2001). Each approach is joined by explicit favorable circumstances and inconveniences which make them proper for specific circumstances. Exposition tests, for instance, survey not just the understudy's information on a specific territory, yet additionally their capacity to rationally detail a composed answer that is clear and direct, and it has the bit of leeway that halfway credit can be alloted dependent on the nature of the appropriate response gave (McDonald 2001; (McDonald 2007). Be that as it may, detriments incorporate that scoring of exposition tests can frequently be muddled by subjectivity in figuring out what qualifies as a right answer and what number of focuses might be therefore granted. Understudies with poor composing aptitudes, who are as proficient as their companions, might be punished all the more seriously in their reactions because of linguistic and grammatical insufficiencies in their composing which are inconsequential as far as anyone is concerned of the specific inquiry (McDonald 2001; (Haines 2004). In that capacity, it is particularly imperative to consider these points of interest and weaknesses while choosing the sort of test which will be used. In the previous barely any decades, to a limited extent on account of mechanical advances that have made reviewing less requesting, different decision tests have come into favor in a wide scope of scholarly and non-scholastic settings (Merritt 2006). We will consider the preferences and hindrances of various decision tests and how they might be utilized in later areas. Sorts OF EXAM QUESTIONS While the wide-assortment of test types may recommend there is a considerably more prominent measure of inquiries, this really demonstrates not to be the situation. Truth be told, test questions can be refined down into two divergent sorts: open-finished and shut finished. Open-finished test questions give an inquiry or articulation and request the test-taker to respond to the inquiry by drawing upon their own insight (Genesee and Upshur 1996). Open-finished inquiries require a capacity to distinguish what the inquiry is posing and build up an understandable answer that fulfills all the necessities of that question (Genesee and Upshur 1996). Exposition, short answer, and fill-in-the-clear type questions are on the whole instances of open-finished inquiries. Issues with these kinds of inquiries can be subjectivity and extensiveness in the reviewing procedure. Notwithstanding, they are profitable in that they require a nuanced capacity to deliver a cognizant and suitable answer from one's own insight (McDonald 2001). Shut finished inquiries, not at all like open-finished inquiries, don't require the test-taker to extricate the appropriate response exclusively from past information; rather, shut finished inquiries give a prior arrangement of possible answers notwithstanding the inquiry being posed (Genesee and Upshur 1996). Since all understudies select from a lot of destined answers, the tests are apparently increasingly objective
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Information and Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1
Data and Knowledge Management - Essay Example Unmistakably the Internet has prompted a total change during the time spent data gathering, age, transmission and furthermore understanding. The change from the utilization of the web as a medium to the utilization of the web as a stage denoted the start of web 2.0 time. The approach of web 2.0 has significantly affected different levels and zones. It is additionally evident that the current computerized age is turning into a total data based world and organizations, just as people, are required to have solid information and data to have the option to successfully take an interest in the present occasions. Taking everything into account, the serious edge of organizations, just as people, is all the more along these lines, on the data and the administration of data than it has ever been before. Consequently it essential that people and organizations the same utilize the current computerized age as a solid bit of leeway for data the executives. In spite of the fact that there can be various difficulties that can be confronted with viable administration of data, it is urgent that all data and information is dealt with care. Organizations with great and all around created information the board frameworks and exact data the board have end up being increasingly fruitful and viable. Subsequently obviously despite the fact that overseeing data in the computerized age is encircled by various difficulties. Alongside the escalated increment and improvement in the innovation and the mechanical turn of events, overseeing data has now become a more straightforward undertaking for most.
Friday, August 21, 2020 Reviews The Good, and the Gory Details! Reviews The Good, and the Gory Details! .elementor-19992 .elementor-element.elementor-element-19992{text-align:center}Last Updated on January 12, 2020Maybe you’re someone who came up with a brilliant idea for a fabulous website. You envision a website design that has all the bells and whistles that get people flocking to your site. It’s easier than ever for most anyone to set up their own blog, website or ecommerce online store.Building a website sounds great on the surface for anyone who wants to get started. Things change when you start adding up the costs of getting a domain name, a web hosting plan, and any add-ons or features to make it look and function the way that you always dreamed it would. Disclosure As an independent review site, we get compensated if you purchase through the referral links or coupon codes on this page â€" at no additional cost to you. 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Monday, May 25, 2020
Relationship Between Repetition And The Belief Of...
ABSTRACT This experiments looks at the relationship between repetition and the belief in Extrasensory Perception (ESP). People who believe in ESP are referred to as ‘sheep’ and those who do not are referred to as ‘goats’. This is the sheep-goat effect. The sheep are more likely to avoid giving repetitions than the goats that have a low belief in ESP. A total of one hundred and eighty five participants took part in this study by imagining that they had a dice that they had to roll. They had to provide the experimenter with an imaginary number between one and six which would be repeated and recorded a total of 67 times. Once this had been completed a questionnaire was given in which they had to rate their belief in ESP on a scale of one (strong belief) and six (strong disbelief). In order to test the hypothesis, data was collected and then analysed in order to find out the number of repetitions that occurred. This experiment consisted of three groups of people; the she ep, the goats, and those that were indifferent. The results obtained proved our hypothesis as the goats made a larger amount of repetitions than the sheep did. INTRODUCTION Extrasensory Perception is the belief in being able to perceive things from ways other than using our original 5 senses. Examples of ESP are clairvoyance and telepathy. This experiment provides us with the relevant evidence in order for us to prove that there is a relationship between repetition and Extrasensory Perception. This study wasShow MoreRelatedThe Scientific Study Of Interactions Between Living Organisms And Their External Environment1810 Words  | 8 PagesParapsychology is the scientific study of interactions between living organisms and their external environment that seem to transcend the known physical laws (Rhine Research Centre, 2013). Parapsychology consists of areas including telepathy (the transmission of information between people using non of our sensory channels or physical interaction), clairvoyance (the ability to obtain information about a person, or object through extrasensory perception), precognition (psychic ability to see events in theRead MoreFactor s That Influence Perception2122 Words  | 9 PagesThe first part of our perception involves the things that grab our attention or that keep our attention. There are intensities to events in life that get our attention right away, for example. When something effects our senses of sight, sound, color or taste in a big way, we pay attention or become attracted to getting more, getting involved, getting less or getting away. There are repetitive events and statements that get past our biases and filters to eventually grab our attention in subtle waysRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pages..................................................................................................... 147 Trust Me, I Know It on Good Authority ..................................................................................... 149 Suspending Belief........................................................................................................................... 150 Getting Solid Information about Whom to Vote For .................................................................... 151
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Symptoms And Treatment Of Schizophrenia - 989 Words
Schizophrenia occurs in people from all cultures and from all walks of life. Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects a small portion of the population in the world. When schizophrenia is active there are many different symptoms that can appear. Some symptoms can include delusions, hallucinations, trouble with thinking and concentration, and lack of motivation. When these symptoms are treated, most people with schizophrenia will improve over time with treatment. With the different studies we are able to see how schizophrenia works in different ways. The different ways being what is happening in the brain when a person has schizophrenia. Along with the different treatments from counseling to medication what works better. Term†¦show more content†¦Bethlem is Europe’s oldest psychiatric that has ran for over 600 years. Majority of cases begin in adolescence and adulthood. The peak age range would be eighteen to thirty year olds. As far as we know it is very rare for a child to have schizophrenia. The age for schizophrenia to appear differs by gender. Women tend to be diagnosed in between twenty and twenty-four. There is a second rise in numbers for women. The second rise begins after the age of forty. Men tend to get it in their twenties. After the age of thirty-five the number of men who develop schizophrenia tends to drop, thus males more likely to have early onset compared to women. â€Å"Gender differences may be related to women having more mood disorder and anxiety diagnosis leading to milder forms of schizophrenia going undiagnosed,†(Butcher, 2014). Gender can play a big role when diagnosing schizophrenia. There are many symptoms that can come with schizophrenia. So people can see and some people are not able to see. The mind of the person can be very different than what we might think is going on. The difference between inward and outward signs can be difficult for a person to notice. Even when looking at brain scans you may not be able to see what is going on in the mind and what might be wrong. The symptoms of schizophrenia fall into three categories; positive, negative and cognitive. Positive symptoms can some in different forms. Some of the symptoms for positive schizophrenia
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Palestinian Children And The Children - 857 Words
It is not surprising that when we are introduced to the seven children in the film, their opinion reflects that of their respective government, parents, and what they see in their media. The two opinions are polarized, and the children are very affected by what they have heard from their side of the issue. Both sides have suffered, and each blames the other for the suffering incurred. They all have a difficult reality and can’t imagine a different course than the current one. The Palestinian children hate the Israelis, as they blame them for their current situation. They believe that the Israelis took their land and are frustrated that they are not free to move around inside of Israel as other Israeli Arabs are. They have a fear and hatred for the Israeli soldiers, yet they are willing to hurt them in any way. The Israeli children do not feel the Palestinian children will ever acknowledge their right to exist and live in their Jewish homeland. They are afraid to ride buses or partake in the day-to-day activities that we take for granted. For them, every situation is a possible threat, or a memory of an attack. Both sides did not display a great amount of hope for the future, which I found terribly sad. I do not feel that the filmmaker was trying to express an opinion; he was trying to portray how the children felt. It was the Palestinian-Israeli conflict from the perspective of the children. There was one effective and subtle theme that the filmmaker used successfully,Show MoreRelatedThe Palestinian Children Act959 Words  | 4 PagesPalestinian terrorist leaders often use teenagers to commit acts of terror because they know the Israeli legal system treats children more leniently than adults. Now 10 Democrats belonging to the Congressional Progressive Caucus are trying to give terrorist leaders yet another reason for using young people to murder even more innocent civilians. Rep. Betty McCollum, D-Minn., introduced legislation Nov. 14 – co-sponsored by nine other Democrats – calling on the State Department to â€Å"prevent UnitedRead MoreWhy Palestinian Children s Rights Are Protected By International Government1149 Words  | 5 Pagesextent to which Palestinia n children’s rights are protected by international government. I chose this topic because I have been particularly interested in Palestine for the last few years, as the conflict was brought to my attention by a Palestinian friend of mine. I chose to write about Palestine for my historical investigation in order to learn more about the conflict. For my FIQWS class, I chose Literature/Film in Israel/Palestine so I could continue my studies in Palestinian history. There hasRead MoreEssay Death in Gaza1113 Words  | 5 Pagesannually from the United States of America, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an issue that is relevant to life in the U.S. However, to many it is no more than a distant battle fought in a land few will ever see. The documentary film Death in Gaza attempts to humanize the conflict through the everyday lives and voices of young children living in the war-stricken area. While the documentary is relatively one-sided, showing only the Palestinian viewpoint, it does serve the purpose of shedding lightRead MoreEdward Said Essay685 Words  | 3 PagesIn States the author, Edward Said, discloses the story of his people, the Palestinians, in an epic to express to the world the disconcerting challenges endured by the struggling Palestinian culture. The underlying claim is that of which is fair for any people to aspire, the dream to be master in your own house. Thus translated into the ideals of nationalism: blood and belonging. Said uses a combination of both photographs and writing style to tell a story that is deeper than the plain text. Read MoreEssay about Reasons behind Suicidal Terrorist Attacks664 Words  | 3 Pageskiller, the Palestinian suicide bombers are typically very poor and lack most basic human rights in everyday life. Their social institutions have become frayed due to years of political chaos and with an unrelenting religious zeal the effort to rid Israelis from what they deem their rightful territory seems far from over. Therefore, what aspects contribute to the desire to kill ones self and the willingness to take a great number of victims with them? In the case of the Palestinians, I estimateRead MoreThe State of Israel and The BASEL System1579 Words  | 6 Pagesneighboring Arab armies invaded. The United Nations General Assembly ratified resolution 181 on November 29, 1947, this would break Great Britain’s Palestinian mandate into separate Jewish and Arab states. The religious areas neighboring Jerusalem would remain under international control according to this resolution. This was refused by the Palestinians. They thought that this favored the Jews and was unfair to the Arabs that would inhabit the Jewish territory that would be under the partition (TheRead MoreThe Underground War in Gaza by Joe Sacco1514 Words  | 7 PagesPalestine. Sacco then illustrates the attacks that are happening in Palestinian territories, where the Israeli army attempts to maintain control with the excuse of protecting Palestinians from the snuggling that is happening in the underground tunnels. While Palestine fights to regain their freedom from Israel. In this paper I’ll report the different strategies that Sacco use in The Underground War in Gaza that communicates both Palestinians’ and Israelis perspectives on this complicated issue. I’ll thenRead MoreThe Sad Nature of the Conflict between Israel and Palestine Essay570 Words  | 3 Pagesof the Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East or thought much about the Palestinian people. This lecture h elped me understand the truly sad nature of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. You began the lecture by showing a video about the Aida refugee camp, which is one of many camps the in which the Israelis placed the Palestinians once Israel became a country after WWII. Then you spoke of your experiences living and working there. Telling stories of Israelis shooting children, throwingRead MoreEnglish Language Education : A Means Of Liberation And A Passport From The Gateway Of Prosperity1692 Words  | 7 Pageswith relevance to females such as gender inequality and early marriages in a tribal society. Palestinian refugees value English education as a means of liberation and a passport to enter the gateway of prosperity. It will be worthwhile to investigate if English language education liberated them and how it influenced their lives in the previous years, especially females. On the other hand, Palestinian refugees in Syria learn all lessons in Arabic and start French in later stages, while in LebanonRead MoreStereotyping And The American Cinema1665 Words  | 7 Pages particularly Palestinians, are portrayed in cinema. The American cinema has painted a picture full of misconceptions about them and created a stereotype that has been exacerbated in many movies since the dawn of hollywood. Because Cinema is a powerful tool that manipulates and reshapes the thoughts of audiences by making spectators passively consume all presented material, it made it easy to manipulate the minds of people to serve a political agenda mainly the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Jack
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Salem Telephone Break
Salem Telephone Break-Even Analysis Essay Through our study of Salem Telephone Company (STC), we’re going to analyze whether or not Salem Data Services (SDS) will be a profitable business to keep. We will do so by utilizing break even analysis. Before we can find our solution, we should discuss Salem Data Services’ (SDS) accounting report step by step. To begin, the various costs incurred to SDS should be grouped into either variable, or fixed. The only variable costs that have any relation to the total revenue hours listed from exhibit 2 are â€Å"power†and â€Å"Operations: hourly personnel. Other expenses listed are fixed costs. Now, we have our data to calculate unit variable cost per revenue hour. | January| February| March| Power| 1546| 1485| 1697| Operations: hourly personnel| 7896| 7584| 8664| Total Variable Cost| 9442| 9069| 10361| Total Revenue Hours| 329| 316| 361| Variable Costs per revenue hour| $ 28. 70 | $ 28. 70 | $ 28. 70 | The â€Å"contribution margin†income statement for SDS therefore is,Break even analysis: Based on the assumptions above, the number of commercial revenue hours needed to break even is as follows: (205 * 400 + x *800) -28. 7 * (205+x) – 212939=0 82000 + 800x 5884 28. 7x 212939=0 X = 212939 – 82000 + 5884 = 177. 39 800-28. 7 SDS needs to serve roughly 178 commercial hours to break even. What if analysis: if commercial price is increased to $1000, the demand reduces 30%. The resulting effect on net income will be: X = 138 * (1-0. ) = 97 (205 * 400 + 97 * 1000) – 28. 7 – (205+97) – 212939 = ($42,606) If commercial price is reduced to $600, the demand increases 30%. The resulting effect on net income will be: X = 138 * (1+. 03) = 180 (205 * 400 + 180 * 600) – 28. 7 – (205+180) – 212939 = ($33,989) Increased promotion would increase revenue hours by up to 30% How much could be spent and still leave SDS with no reported losses each month? X = 138 * (1+. 03) = 180 (205 * 400 + 180 * 800) – 28. 7 * (205 + 180) – 212939 = $2,012
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