Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Spanish Conquest of South America Essay Example for Free

Spanish Conquest of South America Essay The Age of Exploration was an important time period in history without which the modern map would not be as we see it today. During this era, Europeans had a sudden urge to explore, discover, a feeling they had never had before. With the advancement in technology, the Europeans, as well as the Asians were able to explore the uncharted seas and discover the unknown land. During this time, many discoveries were made, but the one most remembered is the discovery of the Americas. This was a big discovery which added a whole new continent, never known about, onto their map. As soon as the land was discovered, so was the curiosity of the Spanish. The land was soon inhabited by the Spanish as well as the indigenous. The two races lived side by side happily, but soon the Spanish greed for gold, glory became too much and disaster struck. Whole communities were torn, murders committed and whole communities exterminated. Genocide: a terrible crime against the indigenous. Apart from the wars, more deaths were occurring, however they were not intentional. Both Spanish and the Indigenous were falling victims to new diseases. There were many reasons for death/murder whether intentional or not but no races or cultures were put to extinction due to the attack by the Spanish proving that the Spanish Conquest was not a genocide. After the discovery of America, the Spanish had access to a whole new continent, a whole new way of life as well as people. The Spanish were eager to lay claims on whatever they could, build their power, and gain wealth. The Spanish built communities, they scavenged for the land, for power and for control. The Spanish bred happily, sharing their way of life with the indigenous, learning new techniques, mastering technology and living peacefully. However, soon the Spanish wanted more; their greed was for more than what they had and soon war struck out. To gain power, land and wealth, the Spanish attacked the indigenous, taking as much as they could. The war raged on until the Spanish had full control, the indigenous people were forced to retreat. The land was destroyed. The Spanish had killed so many for a mere piece of land. Exploration wasn’t always safe. It exposed the explorers as well as the indigenous people to diseases, foods, animals they had never encountered before and this was going to prove dangerous. The indigenous people were exposed to diseases such as Influenza or Tuberculosis against which their immune systems had no power having never encountered them before. These diseases killed more people the wars fought between the Spanish and Indigenous. As the time passed, the indigenous people developed immunity against these diseases however these diseases never stopped and forever remained on the island infecting and maybe even killing more people over time. This effect didn’t happen only to the Indigenous. The Spanish were also exposed to new diseases such as Polio and Hepatitis which were even carried back overseas to Europe infecting a much larger population. Apart from only the diseases, new foods were also stumbled upon. These foods could make you fatally sick due to the fact that your body (as with the diseases) has never encountered them. Some foods that the Spanish came across were Tobacco and Tomatoes while the indigenous came across Coffee and Rice. During the Spanish Conquest of South America, many deaths occurred. There were intentional killings through the wars and equally unless more due to the exposure to a new environment. The Spanish killed many people, destroyed many communities, however they did not exterminate whole races as in the definition of genocide. Races or cultures might have been put to extinction later due to the diseases that were imported to America from Europe. The Spanish killed and destroyed however no races or cultures were put to extinction by this attack proving that the Spanish Conquest was not genocide. The Age of Exploration was an important time period in history without which we would not know of half the world available to us. Now the Europeans too to exploring the seas, discovering new land, it was now that the continent of America was discovered. This was an exciting new discovery for the Spanish. The Spanish were eager to inhabit the newly found land and gain power and wealth. They found the indigenous and continued living peacefully together. The Spanish greed soon became more than they could handle and war was started. However, those were not the only problems occurring in South America. The Spanish had brought with them diseases. People were dying everywhere, but was the question is whether it was genocide. Looking carefully, we can conclude this was not genocide as there were no cultures or races put to extinction by the Spanish.

Monday, January 20, 2020

The Consequences of Drinking And Driving Essay -- Alcohol, drunk drivi

Driving under the influence has affected many people's lives and families. Today I would like to talk to you about the problems of drinking and driving, and why it is a concern for all of us. Driving under the influence is one of the most common and dangerous situations you can put yourself or someone else in. The fact is that drinking and driving is a huge deal and can leave a long trail of broken dreams and hearts. If you drink and drive, not only are you putting yourself at risk, but your passengers and the pedestrians outside of your vehicle. According to the most recent statistics by the National Commission Against Drunk Driving states that 17,000 Americans die each year in alcohol- related traffic crashes and 600,000 Americans are injured (NCADD). That's is and average of one fatal accident every thirty minutes. Every thirty minutes someone's life has ended and his or her family and friends left to weep. Anyone of these accidents could easily be a family member, relati ve, or neighbor. Most of these alcohol-related crashes are not just cuts and bruises. People are paralyzed, severely disfigured, or have lost the ability to live out a normal life with work and having fun are now activities that now rely on the aid of others. There is plenty of reasons alcohol and driving does not mix. The body is a very complicated organism with everything needing to go just right for it to function properly. Alcohol only affects how your body functions negatively. Alcohol is a downer that reduces activity in the central nervous system. The person exhibits loss muscle tone, loss of fine motor coordination ( Net Biz Mentor). Depression and alcohol also do not mix. When people get depressed from everyday life they have the ten... ...up in jail because they are one tenth of a point over the legal limit. So try to manage your life, by not drinking and driving. If you do go out for a drink, try to go somewhere that you can reach either on foot or by public transportation. Think about sharing the driving and on different days with a group of people so that you can take turns at driving. If you do drink even though you meant not to, and you went out with your vehicle, consider taking a taxi and leaving your vehicle behind. This is a whole lot better than living with the guilt and shame of having killed a person or even a friend. Do you really want to be known as the person who has killed someone because of your stupidity? Work Cited -Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. Drinking Driving and Other Drugs. Homepage. 20 June 2003.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Nursing Medicine Essay

Medical physicians and nurses have well-built passions about their range of contributions to the health of people. They are concerned with how expert ideas and welfares are to be weighed against the necessity to maneuver a system that works for the greater good of the public. Nurses and physicians work hand in hand for the cure and betterment of their patients; but what makes them different from each other? Some say it’s better to be a doctor for one has the capability to save lives; others say it’s more fulfilling to be a nurse because you not only help offer cure for the sick, you also give them genuine care. Moreover, applying and promoting caring values in the nurses’ practice is not only necessary to their own health as nurses, but its implication is also deeply tributary to finding meaning in their work. Upholding caring values in the nurses’ every day practice helps go above the nurse from a state where nursing is thought as just a job to that of a rewarding profession. While many people see medicine as a better profession than nursing, they don’t realize that nurses also encompass the competence and deep levels of character. The changes in the delivery systems of health care around the world have intensified nurses’ workloads and responsibilities. Nurses must know how to deal with patients’ increased acuteness and intricacy with regards to their health care condition. Regardless of such hardships, nurses are able to find ways to conserve their caring practice. Giving care to different individuals several hours a day is no easy job. This paper will enlighten people to what the nursing profession really is by discussing the theory of human caring. Jean Watson’s caring theory can be seen as essential to this aim. While the sole focus of medicine is to diagnose a patient and cure his/her disorder or disease, nursing entails giving care to the patient. Without care, the cure for the disease would be possible, but the illness would still linger because health would still not be attained without caring. The core of nursing is caring, while that of medicine is cure. This paper doesn’t imply that medicine does not include caring for patients. It’s just that nursing implies caring in a deeper, more attached way. The nursing profession involves working long hours with the sick, developing rapport in every possible way, and acknowledging every patient whatever their attitude or race may be. Nursing and caring have always been thought of as acting in unison. Most people choose nursing as a line of work because of their longing to care for other persons. Watson’s caring theory not only allows the nurse to live out the art of caring, it also seeks to offer compassion to ease families’ and patients’ suffering, and to support their dignity and healing. According to Watson (2001), the chief elements of her assumption are: the carative factors, the transpersonal caring relationship, and the caring moment or caring occasion. These fundamentals are described later in the paper, and will be exemplified and viewed in light of the nursing and medical profession. The caring theory or model can also be measured as an ethical/moral and philosophical foundation for professional nursing and a division of the vital focus for nursing at the corrective level. A replica of caring includes a call for both science and art; it provides a structure that intersects and embraces with science, humanities, art, spirituality, and a new magnitude of body, mind, and spirit. Nursing and medicine is developing openly as a core to human phenomenon of the nursing practice. Carative factors are viewed as a guide for the nursing core. Watson uses the word carative in contrast with medicine’s curative factors. She uses the carative factors for the reason of honoring the human magnitude of the work of nursing and the subjective experiences and inner life world of the patients that they serve. The carative factors have ten elements: faith-hope, humanistic-altruistic system of value, expressing positive and negative feelings, helping-trusting human care relationship, transpersonal teaching-learning, creative problem solving caring process, human needs assistance, supportive, protective and corrective physical, mental, societal and spiritual environment, and existential phenomenological spiritual forces. This however evolved into the caritas process which has a deeper spiritual magnitude and dimension which means to treasure and to give exceptional loving attention (Watson, 2001). Transpersonal Caring regards the harmony of life and relations that move in concentric circles of caring from a person, to others, to the society, to the world, to our planet, and to the universe. Transpersonal caring is established in a happening or actual caring instance. It shows concern for the life within. The patient is regarded as complete and as a whole, in spite of disease or illness (Watson 2003). The transpersonal nurse looks for a connection to embrace the soul or the spirit of the patient, by way of healing and caring (Watson 2003). Caring in the nursing career takes place each time a nurse to patient contact is achieved. Unlike in medicine, some doctors may look at a patient and just prescribe a drug, after that, their deal is finished. In contrast, the nurse seeks to enter the patient’s world in order to draw closer and know the patient as a caring individual, and that it is from this epistemology that the caring of nursing begins to unfold (Schoenhofer 2002). This caring makes a big difference to the well being of each patient. Caring may happen without curing, but curing cannot take place without caring (Watson 2003). It is with that conviction that nurses are concerned for patients in the anticipation that they add to the well being or cure of that patient. Hope may be the only support an ill person has to keep their optimism. Nurses care adequately to credit that hope and hold up for the patient. They have the vision that patient is complete and whole. The one being cared and one caring are unified (Watson 1997). It’s experiencing human being connection at a deeper level than a bodily contact (Watson 2003). This connection describes how the nurse goes further than an objective evaluation, presenting concerns toward the person’s deeper and subjective meaning concerning their own health care condition. The nurse’s caring realization becomes vital for the association and understanding of the other person’s point of view. This approach highlights the exclusivity of both the nurse and the person, and also the mutuality linking the two persons, which is primary to the bond. As such, the one cared-for and the one caring cooperate in connection in mutual search for wholeness and meaning perhaps for the sacred transcendence of suffering (Watson, 2001). The term transpersonal means to go further than an individual’s own ego and the here and now, while it allows him/her to arrive at a deeper spiritual connection in promoting the patient’s healing and comfort. Lastly, the objective of a transpersonal caring association corresponds to enhancing, protecting, and preserving the person’s humanity, dignity, inner harmony, and wholeness. According to Jean Watson (1988, 1999), a caring occasion is the moment (central point in time and space) when the patient and the nurse come as one in such a way that an instance for human caring is formed. Both persons, with their exceptional and phenomenal fields, have the likelihood to move toward together in a human-to-human contract. The one being cared for and the one caring for are predisposed by the actions and choices decided within the affiliation. For Watson (1988, 1999), a unique field correspond to the person’s frame of orientation or the entirety of human experience consisting of bodily sensations, feelings, spiritual beliefs ,thoughts, goals, environmental considerations, expectations and meanings of an individual’s perceptions, all of which are based upon one’s present moment, and one’s anticipated future. Not just a goal for the cared for, Watson (1999) insists that the nurse as well needs to be conscious of her own awareness and genuine attendance of being in a caring instant with his/her patient. Furthermore, in cooperation, the one cared for and the one caring can be predisposed by the caring moment throughout the actions and choices decided inside the relationship, thus, influencing and becoming a fraction of their own life history. The caring event becomes transpersonal when it permits for the occurrence of the spirit of both, then the occasion of the moment expands the restrictions of openness and has the capability to increase human capacities (Watson, 1999). Nursing can enlarge its obtainable role, long-lasting to make offerings to health care inside the contemporary model by developing its opening health strengths and caring healing that have always been in attendance on the edges (Watson, 1999). Nursing is a caring profession that is privileged as the spirit-filled, spiritual practice that it is. I deem it is a mission for a particular spiritual human being who cares about the spirituality of other persons. The humanistic nature of nursing is reflected in the caring replica. Caring is the innermost concept in the discipline of nursing. Caring may seem simple, but it entails these many aspects and it takes a lot of effort to render this, especially to people who we don’t even know. It’s easier to diagnose a patient and just prescribe some medications; it’s another story when you try to have a deep relationship with a patient while still upholding your profession. Doctors leave it to the nurse to care for the patients, because nurses are the ones who have an encounter with them 99% of the time. They are the ones who know the patients condition, even their emotions at times. Moreover, not all patients are considerate and thankful for a nurse’s efforts. Nurses must keep their moods up and not be affected by the ups and downs of their tiresome profession. At the end of the day, they still hold their faces up high and continue caring for every other patient they will be encountering in the future. Caring entails love and loving is not an easy thing to do. It is said that while a nurse enters into a patient’s room, a compelling field of expectation is produced. In this deeper, more stretched out way of thinking about the power, energy, and beauty of love, a caring moment (Watson, 1999b) becomes a vibrational field of cosmic love full of life that radiates mutuality and reciprocity, which transcends space, time, and physicality sustaining and confirming our humanity and our association with the Levinas. The infinity of the whole universe (Quinn, 1992). This ethic of caring and loving becomes the first philosophy for sustaining and facing the infinity of the nursing profession. If nurses follow this ethical order, nursing has a serious role in moving humanity in the direction of the omega point, ever closer to God and the unexplained blessed circle of loving, living, dying, trusting, and being. Lastly, a quote to ponder on the care illuminated by the nursing profession in contrast with that of medicine: â€Å"The heart is as broad as the sky, because it can embrace joy and pain side by side. † Even in the midst of hard to deal with patients, nurses still choose to care.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Understanding Relative Frequency Histograms

In statistics, there are many terms that have subtle distinctions between them. One example of this is the difference between frequency and relative frequency. Although there are many uses for relative frequencies, there is one in particular that involves a relative frequency histogram. This is a type of graph that has connections to other topics in statistics and mathematical statistics. Definition Histograms are statistical graphs that look like bar graphs. Typically, however, the term histogram is reserved for quantitative variables. The horizontal axis of a histogram is a number line containing classes or bins of uniform length. These bins are intervals of a number line where data can fall and can consist of a single number (typically for discrete data sets that are relatively small) or a range of values (for larger discrete data sets and continuous data). For example, we may be interested in considering the distribution of scores on a 50 point quiz for a class of students. One possible way to construct the bins would be to have a different bin for every 10 points. The vertical axis of a histogram represents the count or frequency that a data value occurs in each of the bins. The higher the bar is, the more data values fall into this range of bin values. To return to our example, if we there are five students who scored more than 40 points on the quiz, then the bar corresponding to the 40 to 50 bin will be five units high. Frequency Histogram Comparison A relative frequency histogram is a minor modification of a typical frequency histogram. Rather than using a vertical axis for the count of data values that fall into a given bin, we use this axis to represent the overall proportion of data values that fall into this bin. Since 100% 1, all bars must have a height from 0 to 1. Furthermore, the heights of all of the bars in our relative frequency histogram must sum to 1. Thus, in the running example that we have been looking at, suppose that there are 25 students in our class and five have scored more than 40 points. Rather than constructing a bar of height five for this bin, we would have a bar of height 5/25 0.2. Comparing a histogram to a relative frequency histogram, each with the same bins, we will notice something. The overall shape of the histograms will be identical. A relative frequency histogram does not emphasize the overall counts in each bin.  Instead, this type of graph focuses on how the number of data values in the bin relates to the other bins.  The way that it shows this relationship is by percentages of the total number of data values. Probability Mass Functions We may wonder what the point is in defining a relative frequency histogram. One key application pertains to discrete random variables where our bins are of width one and are centered about each nonnegative integer. In this case, we can define a piecewise function with values corresponding to the vertical heights of the bars in our relative frequency histogram. This type of function is called a probability mass function. The reason for constructing the function in this way is that the curve that is defined by the function has a direct connection to probability. The area underneath the curve from the values a to b is the probability that the random variable has a value from a to b. The connection between probability and area under the curve is one that shows up repeatedly in mathematical statistics. Using a probability mass function to model a relative frequency histogram is another such connection.